Relationship Blog

The Importance of Praying with Your Partner
Marriage, God, Relationships, Prayer LaTia Pellerin Marriage, God, Relationships, Prayer LaTia Pellerin

The Importance of Praying with Your Partner

Prayer is a powerful thing. It can bring you comfort and peace, a sense of hope for what’s to come, and the knowledge that God is listening to you. But prayer is an intensely personal thing. You are sharing your deepest worries, thoughts, and fears with God during this time. Fears and worries that may have to do with your partner, if not solely about them. So how do you start to pray with your partner? And why is praying with your partner so important to the health of your relationship?

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Friendships + Relationships
Relationships, Boundaries, Marriage, Friendship LaTia Pellerin Relationships, Boundaries, Marriage, Friendship LaTia Pellerin

Friendships + Relationships

Our friends are incredibly important in our lives, to our mental, physical, and spiritual health. Without them, we would not have a strong support system to help us when are struggling with the ups and downs of life.

Maintaining our friendships outside of our relationship also helps us maintain our individualism too.

Here are 5 “Couple Friends” Date Ideas!

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Finding Gratitude + Joy in Your Relationship
Relationships, Marriage, God, Gratitude, Joy LaTia Pellerin Relationships, Marriage, God, Gratitude, Joy LaTia Pellerin

Finding Gratitude + Joy in Your Relationship

Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday to really help you pause and reflect on what has happened in your life, what in your life you’re thankful and joyful for, and how you and your partner have approached the changes and challenges that came your way in 2022. We’ve had a tumultuous past few years as a country and members of the world and taking the time this holiday season to reflect and find gratefulness, love, joy, and appreciation for those in our lives is important. Taking the time to share your appreciation and gratitude with your friends and family can help create stronger relationships in your life.

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A Foundation of Friendship
Relationships, Friendship, Dating LaTia Pellerin Relationships, Friendship, Dating LaTia Pellerin

A Foundation of Friendship

Do you consider your partner your best friend? Are they the first person you turn to when you have exciting news or when things get tough? Do you depend on their support? Are you a good friend to your partner? Being best friends with your partner is important. It dramatically increases the happiness of your relationship if you consider your partner your best friend. A 2017 study found “those who are best friends with their partners have the largest well-being benefits from marriage and cohabitation… the well-being benefits of marriage are on average about twice as large for those whose spouse is also their best friend.”

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How to Ask for What You Want in Your Relationship

How to Ask for What You Want in Your Relationship

When asking for what you need, be clear, direct, and concise. Don’t leave things up to interpretation, don’t be vague, and definitely don’t assume your partner understands why you’re frustrated or upset you say “I’m fine”, “nevermind, I’ll do it myself”, or “I’ve told you a thousand times I like this brand of bread, not that brand, why don’t you listen to me?” Assumptions can be deadly.

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Practicing Growth in Your Relationship
Growth, Marriage, Relationships LaTia Pellerin Growth, Marriage, Relationships LaTia Pellerin

Practicing Growth in Your Relationship

Why is growing in your relationship important and what do I mean by that? Growth in any relationship is important because as humans, we are always changing. As William Burroughs said, “when you stop growing you start dying”. The same can be said for our relationships. If we stop growing in our relationships, they can become stagnant, dull, and loveless. Here are 3 ways to create growth in your relationship.

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What is Relationship Coaching?

What is Relationship Coaching?

There are many benefits of working with a Relationship Coach. Relationship Coaches can help couples work through current or long-standing issues and conversations, learn how to better communicate with each, explore planning for the future, learn how to share expectations, desires, dreams, ideals, goals, frustrations, struggles, and resentments with your partner. Relationship Coaches can help bring your relationship to a place of greater happiness, love, joy, acceptance, peace, stability, honesty, trust, and communication.

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How to Move Past Resentment in Your Relationship
Marriage, Relationships, Resentment, Communication LaTia Pellerin Marriage, Relationships, Resentment, Communication LaTia Pellerin

How to Move Past Resentment in Your Relationship

Resentment in your romantic relationship, or any relationship, can be extremely painful and emotionally draining. It can sneak up on anyone, even couples who have been happily committed for years. Resentment is the result of you thinking someone has treated you unfairly and can be a combination of anger, contempt, and frustration with your partner or a recurring situation within your relationship. Today, we’ll look at 5 ways to help you move past resentment in your relationship.

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Resentment in Your Relationship
Resentment, Marriage, Love, Relationships, Boundaries LaTia Pellerin Resentment, Marriage, Love, Relationships, Boundaries LaTia Pellerin

Resentment in Your Relationship

Resentment in marriages and relationships, unfortunately, is more normal than we often want to admit or accept. It’s also one of the biggest relationship killers out there. Resentment is often built over time but can also occur quickly, depending on the situation or couple. It is possible to move past resentment in your relationship, but it will take time and consistent effort.

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How to Rebuild Broken Trust and Honesty in Your Relationship
Trust, Honesty, Relationships, Marriage, Love LaTia Pellerin Trust, Honesty, Relationships, Marriage, Love LaTia Pellerin

How to Rebuild Broken Trust and Honesty in Your Relationship

Broken or fractured trust and dishonesty in a relationship are incredibly hard to fix. So hard that many people don’t succeed in repairing it or even attempting to repair it. Some fractures may be easier and quicker to fix than others: for example, it’s easier to repair trust that was fractured from a missed phone call or date than it is to repair from an affair.

The important thing to remember when working through broken or fractured trust and dishonesty is that it can be repaired - if both partners want to make the repair and are willing to put in the necessary work. These types of repairs are not quick or simple, they take time, patience, and lots of open communication.

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5 Ways to Build Trust + Honesty in Your Relationship
Relationships, Marriage, Honesty, Trust, Love LaTia Pellerin Relationships, Marriage, Honesty, Trust, Love LaTia Pellerin

5 Ways to Build Trust + Honesty in Your Relationship

What is honesty and why is it important to happy and successful relationships? Why do we all want honest relationships but sometimes struggle with being honest ourselves?

Honesty is defined as “the quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness. Truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness.” Transparency is another word that is now often associated with honesty. Being clear and open with your partner and loved ones in your life.

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