Relationship Blog

Finding Joy with Your Partner at Christmastime
Marriage, Relationships, Holidays, God LaTia Pellerin Marriage, Relationships, Holidays, God LaTia Pellerin

Finding Joy with Your Partner at Christmastime

8 Tips to Help You Relax and Reconnect with your Partner this Christmas

  1. Schedule a weekly or bi-weekly date and guard that time ferociously.

  2. Ask each other one question each day and explore the depth of each other’s answers. A good resource is my Top 25 Conversation Starter Questions Guide designed to help you build intimacy, connection, and joy with your partner.

  3. Check your mindset - are you focusing on the negativity, overwhelm, and stress of Christmas? Or are you focusing on the joy, gratitude, and love of Christmas? If you’re struggling with a mindset of gratitude for your partner this year, I encourage you to download my 30 Days of Gratitude for Your Partner Guide.

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The Importance of Praying with Your Partner
Marriage, God, Relationships, Prayer LaTia Pellerin Marriage, God, Relationships, Prayer LaTia Pellerin

The Importance of Praying with Your Partner

Prayer is a powerful thing. It can bring you comfort and peace, a sense of hope for what’s to come, and the knowledge that God is listening to you. But prayer is an intensely personal thing. You are sharing your deepest worries, thoughts, and fears with God during this time. Fears and worries that may have to do with your partner, if not solely about them. So how do you start to pray with your partner? And why is praying with your partner so important to the health of your relationship?

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Finding Gratitude + Joy in Your Relationship
Relationships, Marriage, God, Gratitude, Joy LaTia Pellerin Relationships, Marriage, God, Gratitude, Joy LaTia Pellerin

Finding Gratitude + Joy in Your Relationship

Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday to really help you pause and reflect on what has happened in your life, what in your life you’re thankful and joyful for, and how you and your partner have approached the changes and challenges that came your way in 2022. We’ve had a tumultuous past few years as a country and members of the world and taking the time this holiday season to reflect and find gratefulness, love, joy, and appreciation for those in our lives is important. Taking the time to share your appreciation and gratitude with your friends and family can help create stronger relationships in your life.

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