Relationship Blog

Finding Joy with Your Partner at Christmastime
Marriage, Relationships, Holidays, God LaTia Pellerin Marriage, Relationships, Holidays, God LaTia Pellerin

Finding Joy with Your Partner at Christmastime

8 Tips to Help You Relax and Reconnect with your Partner this Christmas

  1. Schedule a weekly or bi-weekly date and guard that time ferociously.

  2. Ask each other one question each day and explore the depth of each other’s answers. A good resource is my Top 25 Conversation Starter Questions Guide designed to help you build intimacy, connection, and joy with your partner.

  3. Check your mindset - are you focusing on the negativity, overwhelm, and stress of Christmas? Or are you focusing on the joy, gratitude, and love of Christmas? If you’re struggling with a mindset of gratitude for your partner this year, I encourage you to download my 30 Days of Gratitude for Your Partner Guide.

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