Relationship Blog

Your Wedding vs. Your Relationship

Your Wedding vs. Your Relationship

Wedding planning can be one of the most exciting times in a couple’s life. It’s a time to celebrate your love and commitment to each other and to start the next chapter of your lives together. However, it can also be a time of stress, frustration, and anxiety, especially if the focus becomes solely centered on the wedding day itself, instead of the marriage it represents. That’s why it’s so important to value and prioritize your relationship throughout the wedding planning process.

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Rekindling Joy and Laughter

Rekindling Joy and Laughter

Maintaining healthy relationships requires effort, communication, and understanding. However, even the strongest bonds can go through periods of strain, where joy and laughter seem like distant memories. By fostering open communication, practicing empathy, engaging in shared activities, and nurturing a positive mindset, we can create an environment where happiness thrives once again.

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100 Hilarious Date Ideas to Bring on the Laughter!
Relationships, Happy Couples, Happiness, Laughter LaTia Pellerin Relationships, Happy Couples, Happiness, Laughter LaTia Pellerin

100 Hilarious Date Ideas to Bring on the Laughter!

Laughter is the key to a happy and healthy relationship, and what better way to create memorable moments with your partner than through fun-filled dates that will have you both in stitches? In this blog post, we present you with 100 side-splitting date ideas that are centered around laughter. Whether you're a new couple looking to break the ice or a long-term duo wanting to inject some humor into your routine, these ideas will help you create unforgettable experiences filled with joy, laughter, and endless smiles!

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A Deep Dive into Emotional Vulnerabilty
Relationships, Marriage, Vulnerability LaTia Pellerin Relationships, Marriage, Vulnerability LaTia Pellerin

A Deep Dive into Emotional Vulnerabilty

Emotional vulnerability refers to the state of being open and honest about one's emotions, even when those emotions are difficult to express. It involves the willingness to acknowledge and express a range of emotions, including those that are considered uncomfortable or negative. Emotional vulnerability requires one to be willing to take risks and share their innermost feelings with others, even when they fear rejection or judgment.

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A Deeper Look at Vulnerability
Marriage, Relationships, Vulnerability LaTia Pellerin Marriage, Relationships, Vulnerability LaTia Pellerin

A Deeper Look at Vulnerability

When we think of vulnerability, we often associate it with weakness. However, vulnerability in relationships can actually be a strength. It allows for deeper connection, empathy, and understanding between partners. It takes courage to be vulnerable and open up about our fears, insecurities, and struggles. In this blog post, we will take a deeper look at what vulnerability is, several benefits of vulnerability, and what the experts are saying about practicing vulnerability in your relationship.

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Pride and Humility in Your Relationship
Relationships, Marriage, Pride, Self Care LaTia Pellerin Relationships, Marriage, Pride, Self Care LaTia Pellerin

Pride and Humility in Your Relationship

Pride is not something that people talk about very often nor are people eager to talk about pride because we can all be prideful at times. And in today’s culture, being humble is often seen as being weak when that is not what humility is. Humility is strength. But we’ll get into that in a little bit. Pride is a complex emotion that can manifest in many different ways, but one of the most common expressions of pride is the belief that one is superior to others. While pride can have positive effects on an individual's self-esteem and confidence, it can also have negative consequences, especially in close relationships. In this blog post, we will explore how pride can harm your relationships and ways to overcome this harmful emotion.

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Different Types of Vulnerability in Your Relationship
Relationships, Marriage, Vulnerability, Boundaries LaTia Pellerin Relationships, Marriage, Vulnerability, Boundaries LaTia Pellerin

Different Types of Vulnerability in Your Relationship

Relationships are an essential part of our lives. We all crave and need love, affection, and support, which we seek through our relationships. Relationships can take many forms, including romantic, familial, and platonic. While they can bring us immense joy and happiness, they can also make us vulnerable. Being vulnerable in a relationship means exposing our true selves to our partners and trusting them with our deepest fears, insecurities, and emotions. However, this vulnerability can sometimes lead to exploitation and abuse, which can harm us both physically and emotionally.

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What is Vulnerability in a Relationship?
Relationships, Marriage, Vulnerability LaTia Pellerin Relationships, Marriage, Vulnerability LaTia Pellerin

What is Vulnerability in a Relationship?

Vulnerability in relationships refers to the willingness to open up and show your authentic self to your partner, which includes sharing your feelings, thoughts, fears, and insecurities. It involves taking emotional risks and being open to the possibility of getting hurt or rejected, but also experiencing deeper levels of connection and intimacy.

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Healthy Communication Methods
Communication, Relationships, Marriage LaTia Pellerin Communication, Relationships, Marriage LaTia Pellerin

Healthy Communication Methods

Effective communication is vital to any relationship, be it romantic, platonic, or professional. In a romantic relationship, communication is especially important as it is the foundation of trust, intimacy, and understanding. However, communication is often easier said than done, and many couples struggle with expressing themselves and understanding their partners.

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Ineffective Communication in Your Relationship

Ineffective Communication in Your Relationship

Communication is an essential component of any marriage. It helps couples to understand each other's needs, feelings, and thoughts. Effective communication requires both partners to be active listeners, express themselves clearly and respectfully, and have an open and non-judgmental attitude toward each other. However, when communication breaks down, it can lead to misunderstandings, conflict, and a breakdown of the relationship. In this blog post, we will explore ineffective and poor communication in a marriage and how it can impact the relationship.

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Spring Cleaning Your Relationship

Spring Cleaning Your Relationship

We’ve all heard the term “spring cleaning”, but have you ever thought of how you could “spring clean” your relationship? Today we’re exploring ways to create awareness of the current habits in your relationship that may be harmful, negative, or simply old, tired habits that were developed at the beginning of your relationship. And then we’ll discuss ways to create new, healthier habits in your relationship!

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Why Good Communication Matters

Why Good Communication Matters

Communication is the backbone of any successful relationship. The way you communicate with your partner can determine the longevity and quality of your relationship. When communication breaks down, it can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, assumptions, and conflicts. On the other hand, healthy communication fosters understanding, intimacy, trust, and a strong connection between partners.

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The Difference Between Compassionate Love and Passionate Love
Marriage, Love, Relationships, Passion, Compassion LaTia Pellerin Marriage, Love, Relationships, Passion, Compassion LaTia Pellerin

The Difference Between Compassionate Love and Passionate Love

Love is a complex emotion that can manifest in many different ways. In the Bible, two types of love are often discussed: compassionate love and passionate love. While both of these forms of love are important and valuable, they are distinct from one another in several ways. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between compassionate love and passionate love from a biblical viewpoint and how they can play a role in our lives as Christians.

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Sex and Intimacy in Your Relationship
Sex, Intimacy, Marriage, Relationships LaTia Pellerin Sex, Intimacy, Marriage, Relationships LaTia Pellerin

Sex and Intimacy in Your Relationship

What do you think of when you think about the definition of a healthy relationship? Are sex and intimacy the first things that come to mind? Or is it communication, love languages, and conflict management? Each of these components are important aspects of a healthy relationship, but sex and intimacy are often talked about less because it can be uncomfortable to do so. So today, we’ll explore the role that sex and intimacy play in healthy relationships and what you can do to maintain and enhance both. Sex and intimacy are two of the most important components of a healthy relationship. While they are often thought of as synonymous, they are in fact different concepts that complement each other in a relationship.

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Fun and Playfulness in Your Relationship

Fun and Playfulness in Your Relationship

Intimate relationships can sometimes become burdened by stress, work, and daily responsibilities. However, incorporating fun and playfulness into your relationship can help to alleviate these pressures and bring a renewed sense of joy and excitement to your bond with your partner. By engaging in playful activities together, couples can strengthen their connection, reduce stress, and improve their physical and emotional health. Whether it's trying a new hobby, participating in a fun adventure, or simply having a movie night at home, making time for playfulness in your relationship is essential for maintaining a strong and happy connection with your partner.

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Healthy Conflict Management in Relationships

Healthy Conflict Management in Relationships

Conflict management in relationships is a critical component in maintaining a healthy and harmonious partnership. Conflicts are inevitable in all relationships, whether it is between friends, family members, or romantic partners. While it is natural to disagree, the way conflicts are managed can either strengthen or weaken the bond between two people. Conflict management involves addressing differences and disagreements in a way that is respectful, fair, and solution-focused. When conflicts are managed effectively, partners are able to resolve their differences and find mutually satisfactory solutions that take into account the needs and interests of both parties.

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The Importance of Maintaining Your Relationship

The Importance of Maintaining Your Relationship

We all dream of happy, healthy, fulfilling relationships and strive to accomplish this desired relationship. But a healthy, thriving relationship is not easy to achieve and takes consistent work to maintain. Whether you are in a new relationship or have been together for years, it is important to work together to build a strong and lasting connection.

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Finding Joy with Your Partner at Christmastime
Marriage, Relationships, Holidays, God LaTia Pellerin Marriage, Relationships, Holidays, God LaTia Pellerin

Finding Joy with Your Partner at Christmastime

8 Tips to Help You Relax and Reconnect with your Partner this Christmas

  1. Schedule a weekly or bi-weekly date and guard that time ferociously.

  2. Ask each other one question each day and explore the depth of each other’s answers. A good resource is my Top 25 Conversation Starter Questions Guide designed to help you build intimacy, connection, and joy with your partner.

  3. Check your mindset - are you focusing on the negativity, overwhelm, and stress of Christmas? Or are you focusing on the joy, gratitude, and love of Christmas? If you’re struggling with a mindset of gratitude for your partner this year, I encourage you to download my 30 Days of Gratitude for Your Partner Guide.

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What is a Wedding Coach?

What is a Wedding Coach?

A Wedding Coach is a life coach who specializes in essentially all things “wedding”. A Wedding Coach is someone who is solely focused on supporting the client - the bride, the groom, or both, depending on the contract. A Wedding Coach can help you navigate difficult family relationships, create wedding timelines, meet those deadlines consistently, will teach new tools and skills around healthy communication, stress, and effectively managing overwhelm, while regularly checking in on the client (most often the bride), to ensure she is feeling supported, successful, and enjoying the wedding planning process rather than dreading it or allowing stress and overwhelm to create a toxic mindset about wedding planning.

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